Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Are your habits holding you back?

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I've been reading a great book called 'The Power of Habit' by Charles Duhigg who's an investigative reporter for The New York Times

Why is it great?

Because for the past 24 years I've been working as a hypnotherapist I've never read, in such clear detail, how our habits are really formed and more importantly how to recognise the key components to change limiting habits to life enhancing ones

The first blinding flash of the obvious (BFO) was what he calls the habit loop which has 3 initial components to it:

The cue or trigger
The routine and ...
The reward

Just by recognising these 3 steps can you begin to change habits that have been controlling you for years

For example, if you know a specific trigger for having a cigarette is smelling the coffee in a freshly made mug you can interrupt that specific trigger by changing your choice of hot drink to say lemon tea ... Now it is just a very basic example, however by doing so you're also changing your routine, so the reward you receive with your lemon tea will be different, especially as you realise in your conscious mind what's really happening

Now I do go into more details during my Thrive sessions on limiting beliefs and patterns of behaviour and how they are supported by our habits if we allow them to be ... The key is 'allow'

The more you realise you can have new powerful habits the quicker your life will change for good

Another area to consider, when habits are formed are the 'craving feelings' associated with the above 3 components and the belief or beliefs surrounding the habit

The more you challenge and change your limiting beliefs the more you'll notice a positive change in your limiting habits

I'd love to hear your feedback and maybe a selection of habits you'd like to change, do let me know


  1. Great to see your new blog Gary! And it will be wonderful to follow you because I know from years ago that, unlike so many experts who deal with "life" issues, you explain things in a logical and credible way.

    By coincidence, I wrote about something along those lines in my own blog today ...

    Now, I shall start working on my list of habits I need to change. To start with, how about my changing the habit of being overworked and underpaid?

    :-) Sz xx

  2. Hi Suze thanks for your positive reply, it's really appreciated coming from yourself. In fact I'd love to share your thoughts so would you like a guest blog spot?

    And yes, work on your new habits today

    Best as slways ... Gary
